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Cookie Policy


This Cookie Policy (“Policy”) explains that we believe in being open and clear about how we use your information. In the spirit of transparency, this Policy provides detailed information about how and when we use cookies on our Websites. For the purposes of this Policy, the term, “Websites”, shall refer collectively to as well as the other websites that OnPointe Strategic Insights operates and that link to this Policy.

What are cookies? There is a technology called “cookies” which can be used to provide you with tailored information from a website. A cookie is an element of data that a website can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your computer system. This element of data is a piece of text, not a program. The site can only access the information from a cookie sent by the site. We cannot access other cookies sent by other websites or the information contained therein. Additionally, we cannot learn your email address or any other information about you through the use of a cookie. The only way we would learn such information is if you specifically submit that information to us.

Why does the Site use cookies? OnPointe Strategic Insights uses cookies to track usage of the site and further customize your experience when you are visiting the site. By tracking usage, we can best determine what features of the site best serve you.

May I decline to accept a cookie? You may decline to accept cookies sent by the site by selecting an option on your browser to reject cookies. Other sites linked to the site may also send cookies; however, we do not control such activities. If You decline a cookie, you may not be viewing the site in a way in which it was designed to optimally be presented.

What benefits do I receive from cookies? Overall, the use of cookies helps to give you a customized experience at the site. Through the use of cookies, we will know what’s working and what’s not. That information is then used to keep our site fresh and relevant to you the user. Cookies also allow the personalization of any online services we may provide to you.

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